A monorail is like a train. Trains have two sets of wheels that balance on a railway track, but monorails balance on one rail. Monorails are often transport people around cities. Some monorails and trains use magnets to hover on their rails. They are called maglev trains. This reduces friction between the train and the rail. The first monorail was invented in the 19th century. The monorail has a different wheel system than other trains. Instead of being on the rail, it goes beside the rails. Monorails are usually complicated and expensive, so most places do not have them.
Monorail Media
Chongqing Rail Transit has the longest and busiest monorail system in the world, with Line 3 being the longest and busiest single monorail line.
São Paulo Metro Line 15, is the longest and busiest monorail line in the Americas, and second worldwide.
Monorail on concrete columns in Chongqing, China
Gyroscopically balanced monorail (1909) by Brennan and Scherl
Seattle Monorail built in 1962 and still using the original ALWEG trains
The original Red Mark I Disneyland Monorail, with the additional car to make it a Mark II, as seen at the Disneyland Hotel station in August 1963
One of three monorails at Europa-Park in Rust, Germany
The Wuppertal Schwebebahn, the world's first electric suspended monorail
Transrapid maglev on monorail track