Nuremberg Laws

This illustration explains the Blutschutzgesetz: In general, the light (or the cross) symbols stand for German-blooded, the dark symbols for Jew. In general: No restriction if both people are German-blooded; If one of them is Quarter-Jew (Mischling 2. Grades) also no problem; Half-Jews need a special permission to marry people of German blood (no such permissions were actually given); People that are more than half-Jew are not permitted to marry (or have sex with) German-blooded people
The Nuremberg Laws is the name for three (historically: two laws) that were set into practice in Germany in 1935, and that were valid until 1945. They are named after the city of Nuremberg where the legislative assembly met.
They were:
- Gesetz zum Schutze des deutschen Blutes und der deutschen Ehre (Often called Blutschutzgesetz, law concerning the protection of German blood and honour). This law made it illegal for Jews to marry non-Jews. It also made it illegal for these people to have sex with each other. The law provided for long prison terms for men who did not obey it. Women could go away without prison term (if they told about it). This law also forbade Jews to show the national flag, and guaranteed their right to show Jewish symbols.
- Reich Citizenship Law : This law basically said that only people of German or closely-related blood could become citizens - in other words: Jews (and some others) could not. All Jews employed by the government had to quit their job. They also lost their right to vote and to be in the army.
- Reichsflaggengesetz Strictly speaking this flag law is not one of the Nuremberg Laws, but it was published with the others. It made the swastika the official flag of Germany.
On the 14th of November 1935, the Nuremberg laws were expanded prohibiting Roma (Gypsies), Blacks or any of their offspring from engaging in marriage or sexual relations with 'Those of German or German related blood'.