Panjabi language
Panjabi is a Indo-Aryan language, spoken predominantly in Panjab region of India and Pakistan. It is spoken by 300 million people as of 2023. Panjabi is most spoken language of Pakistan (65%).
Panjabi Language Media
Tilla Jogian, Jhelum District, Punjab, Pakistan, a hilltop associated with many Nath jogis (considered among compilers of earlier Punjabi works)
"Jallianwala Bagh" written in Hindi, Punjabi, and English in Amritsar, India.
Signs in Punjabi (along with English and Chinese) of New Democratic Party of British Columbia, Canada during 2009 elections
The 35 traditional characters of the Gurmukhi script
Varan Gyan Ratnavali by 16th-century historian Bhai Gurdas.
Ghadar di Gunj 1913, newspaper in Punjabi of Ghadar Party, US-based Indian revolutionary party.