List of prime ministers of Kuwait

(Redirected from Prime Minister of Kuwait)

The Prime Minister of Kuwait is the head of government of Kuwait. As the third most powerful official in the country, following the Emir of Kuwait and Speaker of the National Assembly, the prime minister leads the executive branch of the Government of Kuwait.

Prime Minister of the
State of Kuwait
Emblem of Kuwait.svg
Ahmad Al-Abdullah Al-Sabah.jpg
Ahmad Al-Abdullah Al-Sabah

since April 15, 2024 (2024-04-15)
Executive Branch of the Government of Kuwait
Cabinet of the State of Kuwait
ResidenceNo official residence
SeatKuwait City, Kuwait
AppointerEmir of Kuwait
Term lengthFour years
unlimited renewal
Constituting instrumentConstitution of Kuwait
FormationNovember 11, 1962
First holderAbdullah Al-Salim Al-Sabah
January 17, 1962
(held post during the drafting of the Constitution)
WebsiteDiwan of His Highness the Prime Minister


List of the Prime Ministers of Kuwait:

No. Name


Reigned from Reigned until
1 Sabah I bin Jaber

(Sabah I) (1674–1762)

1752 1762
2 Abdullah I al-Sabah

(Abdullah I) (1740–1814)

1762 3 May 1814
3 Jaber I al-Sabah

(Jaber I)


1814 1859
4 Sabah II al-Sabah

(Sabah II) (1784–1866)

1859 November 1866
5 Abdullah II al-Sabah

(Abdullah II) (1814–1892)

November 1866 1892
6 Muhammad al-Sabah

(Muhammad I) (1838–1896)

May 1892 1896
7 Mubarak al-Sabah

(Mubarak I) (1837–1915)

18 May 1896 28 November 1915
8 Jaber II al-Sabah

(Jaber II) (1860–1917)

28 November 1915 2 February 1917
9 Salim al-Mubarak al-Sabah

(Salim I)


5 February 1917 22 February 1921
10 Ahmad al-Jaber al-Sabah

(Ahmad I) (1885–1950)

29 March 1921 29 January 1950
11 Abdullah al-Salim al-Sabah

(Abdullah III) (1895–1965)

29 January 1950 26 January 1963
12 Sabah Al-Salim Al-Sabah

صباح السالم الصباح (1913–1977)

2 February 1963 27 November 1965
13 Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah

جابر الأحمد الصباح (1926–2006)

27 November 1965 8 February 1978
14 Saad Al-Salim Al-Sabah

سعد السالم الصباح (1930–2008)

8 February 1978 13 July 2003
15 Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah

صباح الأحمد الجابر الصباح (1929–2020)

13 July 2003 30 January 2006
16 Nasser Al-Mohammed Al-Sabah

ناصر المحمد الأحمد الصباح (born 1940)

7 February 2006 28 November 2011
17 Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah

جابر المبارك الحمد الصباح (born 1942)

30 November 2011 19 November 2019
18 Sabah Al-Khalid Al-Sabah

صباح الخالد الصباح (born 1953)

19 November 2019 19 July 2022
19 Ahmad Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah

أحمد النواف الأحمد الصباح (born 1956)

24 July 2022 17 January 2024
20 Mohammad Sabah Al-Salem Al-Sabah

محمد صباح السالم الصباح (born 1955)

17 January 2024 15 May 2024
21 Ahmad Al-Abdullah Al-Sabah

أحمد عبد الله الأحمد الصباح (born 1952)

15 May 2024 Incumbent

List Of Prime Ministers Of Kuwait Media
