Punishment is when something is done to a person (or animal) that they do not like. It may be because they broke a rule. There are many kinds of punishment, from a death penalty for very bad crimes, to things that parents may do to punish children, like spanking them or taking away their toys. People are often sent to prison as punishment for a crime.
Punishment can be seen as good in society to prevent people from doing bad things. It can also be seen as cruel and unnecessary. It can also be seen to do more harm than good.
Punishment Media
The old village stocks in Chapeltown, Lancashire, England
Barbed wire is a feature of prisons.
Hester Prynne at the Stocks—an engraved illustration from an 1878 edition of The Scarlet Letter
Punishment of an offender in Hungary, 1793
U.S. incarceration timeline
Gothic pillory (early 16th century) in Schwäbisch Hall, Germany