Salt marsh
A salt marsh is a piece of land, near the sea, which is flooded, at least occasionally. Salt marshes form a habitat for plants and animals that live there.The water speed is slow and has a gentle swash.

Salt Marsh Media
A coastal salt marsh in Perry, Florida, USA.
An estuarine salt marsh along the Ōpāwaho / Heathcote River, Christchurch, New Zealand
Salt marsh on Sapelo Island, Georgia, US
An Atlantic coastal salt marsh in Connecticut.
High marsh in the Marine Park Salt Marsh Nature Center in Brooklyn, New York
Bloody Marsh in Georgia, US
Spartina alterniflora (Saltmarsh Cordgrass). Native to the eastern seaboard of the United States. Considered a noxious weed in the Pacific Northwest
Chaetomorpha linum is a common marine algae found in the salt marsh.
Crabs, such as the tunnelling mud crab Helice crassa of New Zealand shown here, fills a special niche in salt marsh ecosystems.