Sardar or Sirdar or Serdar, is a title of nobility in India, Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan.
The word is from the old Sanskrit and Avesta languages. It means a prince, nobleman, tribal chief or leader or other aristocrat. In some tribes and ethnic groups in India and Pakistan, especially among the Baloch people and Punjabis, it is quite commonly used to denote even certain families of noble origins.
Sardar Media
Sardar-I-Azam, Prince Abdol Majid Mirza of Qajar Persia c. 1920s.
Pakistani President Ayub Khan and First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy with the prized gelding "Sardar".
Grand Vizier Ahmet Tevfik Pasha, the last Ottoman Serdar-ı Azam.
Serdar Janko Vukotić of the Principality and Kingdom of Montenegro.
Portrait of a Sikh sirdar, ca.1820
Bhakti Thapa, a Gorkhali Sardar