Siberian Husky

The Siberian Husky is a medium-sized working dog. It is quick and graceful. They have a compact and furry body, pointed ears, and a bushy tail. The husky is a sled dog. It is used for carrying a light load over great distances. Huskies show a balance of power, speed and endurance. Male huskies are usually thicker in appearance than female huskies.[3]

Siberian Husky
Husky L.jpg
Black and white Siberian Husky
Other names Chukcha[1]
Nicknames Husky
Weight Male 45–60 pounds (20–27 kg)
Female 35–50 pounds (16–23 kg)
Height Male 21–23.5 inches (53–60 cm)
Female 20–22 inches (51–56 cm)[2]
Coat Thick double coat
Color All colors from black to pure white, and including many differing colors and markings
Litter size 4–8 puppies
Life span 12–14 years
Siberian Husky.

The personality of the Siberian Husky is friendly and gentle. They are also alert and outgoing. They do not act possessive like a guard dog. They are curious, but they are not usually aggressive with other dogs. A husky's intelligence, and friendly behavior make them a companion. They usually have long fur.

Famous Siberians

Siberians gained in popularity with the story of the "Great Race of Mercy," the 1925 serum run to Nome. This made dogs Balto and Togo famous. Several purebred Siberian Huskies played the part of the "half-wolf" companion in the television series Due South.

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  1. "Siberian husky". Retrieved 2019-02-28.
  3. "AKC Meet The Breeds: Siberian Husky". Archived from the original on August 30, 2011. Retrieved Aug 21, 2011.