Template:Cite IETF/doc

< Template:Cite IETF

Note: this template is currently for testing purposes only.

This is a template to cite IETF documents[1][2] including:


Note: All parameter names must be in lowercase.

Copy a blank version to use. Remember to use the "|" (pipe) character between each parameter. Please delete any unused parameters to avoid clutter in the edit window.

Full version (copy and paste text below and delete parameters you don't need)
{{cite IETF |title= |rfc= |std= |bcp= |fyi= |draft= |ien= |rtr= |sectionname= |section= |sections= |appendix= |referenceid= |page= |pages= |last1= |first1= |authorlink1= |last2= |first2= |authorlink2= |authormask= |coauthors= |editor1-last= |editor1-first= |editor1-link= |others= |date= |year= |month= |origyear= |publisher=[[Internet Engineering Task Force|IETF]] |location= |language= |format= |accessdate= |url= |section-url= |page-url= |autolink= |id= |idanchor= |idlink= |idlinktype= |doi= |archiveurl= |archivedate= |quote= |nopp= |nosec= |ref= |laysummary= |laydate= |separator= |postscript= |lastauthoramp= }}
Most commonly used parameters (use this and you won't have to delete as much)
{{cite IETF |title= |rfc= |sectionname= |section= |page= |last= |first= |authorlink= |coauthors= |year= |month= |publisher=[[Internet Engineering Task Force|IETF]] |accessdate= }}
Example 1

{{cite IETF |title= The Tao of IETF: A Novice's Guide to the Internet Engineering Task Force |rfc= 4677 |fyi= 17 |last1= Hoffman |first1= P. |authorlink1= Paul Hoffman (VPNC) |last2= Harris |first2= S. |year= 2006 |month= September |publisher=[[Internet Engineering Task Force|IETF]] |accessdate= October 20, 2009}}

Hoffman, P.; Harris, S. (September 2006). The Tao of IETF: A Novice's Guide to the Internet Engineering Task Force. IETF. FYI 17. RFC 4677. http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4677. Retrieved October 20, 2009. 

Example 2
{{cite IETF
| title = Telnet protocol specification
| rfc = 854
| std = 8
| sectionname = Are You There (AYT)
| page = 8
| last1 = Postel
| first1 = J.
| authorlink1 = Jon Postel
| last2 = Reynolds
| first2 = J.
| authorlink2 = Joyce K. Reynolds
| year = 1983
| month = May
| publisher = [[Internet Engineering Task Force|IETF]]
| accessdate = October 20, 2009

Postel, J.; Reynolds, J. (May 1983). "Are You There (AYT)". Telnet protocol specification. IETF. p. 8. STD 8. RFC 854. http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc854#page-8. Retrieved October 20, 2009. 

Vertical list Prerequisites Brief instructions
{{cite IETF
| title       = 
| rfc         = 
| std         = 
| bcp         = 
| fyi         = 
| draft       = 
| ien         = 
| rtr         = 
| sectionname = 
| section     = 
| sections    = 
| appendix    = 
| referenceid = 
| page        = 
| pages       = 
| last        = 
| first       = 
| authorlink  = 
| authormask  = 
| coauthors   = 
| lastN       = 
| firstN      = 
| authorN-link = 
| editor      = 
| editorN     = 
| editorN-last = 
| editorN-first = 
| editor-link = 
| editorN-link = 
| others      = 
| date        = 
| year        = 
| month       = 
| origyear    = 
| publisher   = 
| location    = 
| language    = 
| format      = 
| accessdate  = 
| url         = 
| section-url = 
| page-url    = 
| autolink    = 
| id          = 
| idanchor    = 
| idlink      = 
| idlinktype  = 
| doi         = 
| archiveurl  = 
| archivedate = 
| quote       = 
| nopp        = 
| nosec       = 
| ref         = 
| laysummary  = 
| laydate     = 
| separator   = 
| postscript  = 
| lastauthoramp = 
editor or editor-last
editorN or editorN-last
year or date
rfc, std, bcp, fyi, draft, ien, rtr, or url
rfc, std, bcp, fyi, draft, ien, rtr, or url
id, rfc, std, bcp, fyi, draft, ien, or rtr
id, rfc, std, bcp, fyi, draft, ien, or rtr
idanchor or idlink
url, rfc, std, bcp, fyi, draft, ien, or rtr
page or pages
section, sections, or appendix
coauthors or >1 lastN
(no wikilink) RFC number; 4677
(no wikilink) STD number
(no wikilink) BCP number
(no wikilink) FYI number; 17
(no wikilink) I-D (internet draft) number
(no wikilink) IEN number
(no wikilink) RTR number
(no wikilink) section number; 3.3
(no wikilink) section range (can be used together with the section parameter)
(no wikilink) appendix number; A.1
(no wikilink) reference id
(no wikilink) page number
(no wikilink) page range (can be used together with the page parameter)
(no wikilink)
(no wikilink)
alternative to first2, last2...first9, last9
(no wikilink) N=1 through 9
N=1 through 9
N=1 through 9
N=1 through 4
N=1 through 4
N=1 through 4
N=1 through 4
preferred (no wikilink) This is the preferred parameter with its alternates listed below.
alternative to date
should be [[Internet Engineering Task Force|IETF]] for IETF documents.
hides automatic 'p.' or 'pp.'
hides automatic 'sec.'



Except where specifically prohibited in the parameter descriptions below, most parameters can be wikilinked (e.g. |title=[[article|title]]), but should generally only be linked to an existing Wikipedia article. Any wikilinked parameter must not contain any brackets apart from normal round brackets () — don't use <>[]{}.

Description of parameters

Syntax (for the technical-minded)

Nested parameters rely on their parent parameters:

  • parent
  • OR: parent2 — may be used instead of parent
    • child — may be used with parent (and is ignored if parent is not used)
    • OR: child2 — may be used instead of child (and is ignored if parent2 is not used)


  • title: Title of the document. Do not use italics. If both the |title= and |sectionname= parameters are omitted, the template will attempt to auto-generate a title using the first of the |rfc=, |std=, |bcp=, |fyi=, |draft=, |ien=, |rtr=, or |id= document identifier parameters, in that order.
  • rfc: Number of the Request for Comments (RFC) document. Also used to automatically generate a link to ietf.org.
  • std: Number of the Internet Standard (STD) document. Also used to automatically generate a link to ietf.org.
  • bcp: Number of the Best Current Practice (BCP) document. Also used to automatically generate a link to ietf.org.
  • fyi: Number of the For Your Information (FYI) document. Also used to automatically generate a link to ietf.org.
  • draft: Name of the Internet Draft (I-D) document, including the leading draft-. Also used to automatically generate a link to ietf.org.
  • ien: Number of the Internet Experiment Note (IEN) document. Also used to automatically generate a link to ietf.org.
  • rtr: Number of the RARE Technical Reports (RTR) document. Also used to automatically generate a link to ietf.org.
  • sectionname: The section name or section title of the document, written in full. Punctuation other than quotes should be included in the value passed to the parameter, e.g. |sectionname=Meet Dick and Jane. produces "Meet Dick and Jane." ahead of |title=.
  • section: Section number of the document. |section=4.3.1 produces "sec. 4.3.1" Also used to create an anchor link for the document's URL. Can also be used in combination with |sections= to link to the first section in the given section range.
  • sections: Section range of the document. |sections=4.3-4.7 produces "sec. 4.3-4.7"
  • OR: appendix: Appendix number of the document. |appendix=A.1 produces "sec. A.1" Also used to create an anchor link for the document's URL.
  • OR: referenceid: Reference id for the document. Used to create an anchor link for the document's URL.
  • page: Page number of the document. |page=5 produces "p. 5" Also used to create an anchor link for the document's URL. If either |section= or |appendix= is also given, the anchor will link to the section or appendix instead of the page. Can also be used in combination with |pages= to link to the first page in the given page range if |section= and |appendix= are not specified.
  • pages: Page range of the document. |pages=5–7 produces "pp. 5–7" The "pp." notation indicating multiple pages, and "p." notation indicating a single page, are placed automatically when you choose between the |pages= (plural) or |page= (singular) form of the parameter. These parameters are for listing the pages relevant to the citation, not the total number of pages in the document.
  • last: Surname of author. Don't wikilink (use |authorlink= instead).
    • first: First name(s) of author, including title(s) (e.g. Firstname Middlename or Firstname M. or Dr. Firstname M., Snr.). Don't wikilink (use |authorlink= instead).
      • The |last= and |first= parameters are not ideally suited to authors whose surname is usually written first (e.g. as in Chinese). Use the same format as the source uses to handle these cases.
    • authorlink: Title of Wikipedia article about author (not the author's personal website). Article should already exist. Must not be wikilinked itself. Do not use this on its own, but along with |author= or |first= and |last=.
    • authormask – This parameter is primarily intended for use in bibliographies where multiple works by a single author are listed. It replaces the name of the first author (which must still be provided to garner metadata) with a strike-thru dash (—) authormask em in length. So if |authormask=1 then the dash will be one em in length, if |authormask=2 it will be two em long and so on. Set authormask to a text value to display a word instead – for example, 'with'. You must still include |last= and |first= for metadata purposes.
    • coauthors: Full name of additional author or authors, separated by ", " (e.g. Joe Bloggs, John F. Kennedy, H. R. Dent).
      • Whether the surname of the co-authors goes first or last is dependent on the citation style (see the citation style section below) preferred.
  • OR: author: Full name of author, preferably surname first. (deprecated) Don't wikilink (use |authorlink= instead).
  • OR: for multiple authors, use the parameters first1, last1, ..., firstN, lastN to correctly record all the information about the document (the first eight authors are printed, then et al. is appended if even more authors were specified). Don't wikilink as there are corresponding authorlink1, ..., authorlink9 parameters as well. This usage is preferred to the use of |coauthors=.
  • editor: Name of editor/editors. Do not Wikilink any values in the editor parameter but use |editor-link= instead. The template automatically adds "ed." after the editor's name unless the |sectionname= parameter is used in which case the template adds "in" before the editor's name which appears after the section and before the title. This implies that the author is responsible only for part of the document (including the cited section) and the editor responsible for the whole document. If, however, the author(s) and editor(s) are responsible for the whole document, then the |editor= parameter or its alternates described below should not be used if the |sectionname= parameter is being used. Instead, the editor(s) should be included in an |author= parameter with possibly "(ed.)" after the surname(s). Alternatively, the |editor= parameter may be used if the section detail is included in the |title= parameter instead of using the |sectionname= parameter.
  • OR: alternatively editor-first and editor-last can be used in the same way as |first= and |last=.
  • OR: for multiple editors up to four in number, use the parameters editor1-first, editor1-last, ...,editorN-first, editorN-last to correctly record all the information about the document in the same way as |firstN= and |lastN=.
    • editor-link or editor1-link...editorN-link is used in the same way as |authorlink= or |authorlinkN=.
  • others: To record other contributors to the work, such as "illustrated by Smith" or "trans. Smith".
  • date: Full date of document publication, in the same format as the main text of the article. Must not be wikilinked.
  • OR: year: Year of document publication.
    • month: Name of the month of document publication. If you also have the day, use |date= instead. Must not be wikilinked.
  • origyear: Original publication year, for display alongside the date or year. For clarity, please specify as much information as possible, for instance |origyear=First published 1859 or |origyear=Composed 1904. This parameter only displays if a there is a value for |year= or |date=.
  • publisher: Should be |publisher=[[Internet Engineering Task Force|IETF]] for RFC, STD, BCP, FYI, I-D (internet draft), IEN, and RTR documents published by IETF. Publisher should not include corporate designation such as "Ltd" or "Inc".
    • location: Geographical place of publication.
  • language: The language the document is written in, if it is not English. The template automatically puts parentheses around the text and adds "in" before the language name.
  • format: Format, e.g. PDF. HTML or text implied if not specified.
  • accessdate: Full date when the linked document was accessed. Should be in the same format as the rest of the article. Must not be wikilinked.
  • url: URL of an online location where text of the document can be found. Overrides an automatically generated URL (from the |rfc=, |std=, |bcp=, |fyi=, |draft=, |ien=, or |rtr= parameters) and should not be specified unless absolutely necessary. Start the url with the communications protocol, e.g. http://.
  • section-url: URL to an individual section of the document (including an anchor if required). Overrides an automatically generated URL and should not be specified unless absolutely necessary. Should be at the same site as |url=, if any.
  • page-url: URL to an individual page of the document (including an anchor if required). Overrides an automatically generated URL and should not be specified unless absolutely necessary. Should be at the same site as |url=, if any.
  • autolink: |autolink=yes or |autolink=no Automatically generate a link to ietf.org for documents specified with |rfc=, |std=, |bcp=, |fyi=, |draft=, |ien=, or |rtr=. (enabled by default)
  • id: A unique identifier for the document, used if none of the above are applicable. Overrides automatically generated document identifiers (from the |rfc=, |std=, |bcp=, |fyi=, |draft=, |ien=, or |rtr= parameters) and should not be specified unless absolutely necessary. If used, you also need to specify the kind of identifier you are using. Don't wikilink (use |idlink= instead).
  • idanchor: Anchor link target. By default, no anchor link is generated. The special value |idanchor=ietf generates an anchor link suitable for use with this template's |ref= parameter. Requires one of |id=, |rfc=, |std=, |bcp=, |fyi=, |draft=, |ien=, or |rtr= parameters to be present for the anchor link text.
  • OR: idlink: Internal document anchor or title of a Wikipedia article to link via the document identifier. Article should already exist. Must not be wikilinked itself. Do not use this on its own, but along with |id=, |rfc=, |std=, |bcp=, |fyi=, |draft=, |ien=, or |rtr=.
  • idlinktype: One of the values: rfc, std, bcp, fyi, draft, ien, or rtr can be given to |idlinktype= to force the template to use the specified document identifier as the link text for |idanchor= or |idlink=. Do not use this on its own, but along with |idanchor= or |idlink= and |rfc=, |std=, |bcp=, |fyi=, |draft=, |ien=, or |rtr=.
  • doi: A digital object identifier for the document, such as 10.1038/news070508-7. The parameter must not be wikilinked as the template automatically creates a link.
  • archive parameters (if used, must be used both of them together)
    • archiveurl: The URL of an archived copy of the document, if (or in case) the URL becomes unavailable. Typically used to refer to services like WebCite and Archive.org.
    • archivedate: Date when the document was archived. Should not be wikilinked.
  • quote: Relevant quote from the document.
  • nopp: Using |page= or |pages= automatically places the p. and pp. notations. If this is inappropriate—for instance, if |page=Front cover, placing any value after |nopp= (e.g. |nopp=y will hide the p. and pp. notation.
  • nosec: Using |section=, |sections=, or |appendix= automatically places the sec. notation. Placing any value after |nosec= (e.g. |nosec=y will hide the sec. notation.
  • ref: ID for reference anchor. By default, no anchor is generated. The ordinary nonempty value |ref=ID generates an anchor with the given ID; such a linkable reference can be made the target of wikilinks to full references, especially useful in short citations like shortened notes and parenthetical referencing. The special value |ref=ietf generates an anchor suitable for use with this template's |idanchor= parameter. The special value |ref=harv generates an anchor suitable for the {{harv}} template; see anchors for Harvard referencing templates. See "Wikilinks to full references" in Examples below for using the |ref= parameter in citation templates in conjunction with short <ref>...</ref> citations.
  • laysummary: Link to a non-technical summary (or review) of the document
    • laydate: Date of summary
  • separator: The separator to use in lists of authors, editors, etc. Defaults to ".", but "," may be useful also.
  • postscript: The closing punctuation for the citation. Defaults to ".", but "" may be useful also.
  • lastauthoramp: The separator to use between the last two names in lists of authors. Defaults to "", but "&" may be useful as well.


  • {{cite IETF | title = Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1 | rfc = 2616 | first1 = R. | last1 = Fielding | authorlink1 = Roy Fielding | first2 = J. | last2 = Gettys | authorlink2 = Jim Gettys | first3 = J. | last3 = Mogul | first4 = H. | last4 = Frystyk | authorlink4 = Henrik Frystyk Nielsen | first5 = L. | last5 = Masinter | first6 = P. | last6 = Leach | first7 = T. | last7 = Berners-Lee | authorlink7 = Tim Berners-Lee | year = 1999 | month = June | publisher = [[Internet Engineering Task Force|IETF]] }}
    Fielding, R.; Gettys, J.; Mogul, J.; Frystyk, H.; Masinter, L.; Leach, P.; Berners-Lee, T. (June 1999). Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1. IETF. RFC 2616. http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616. 
  • {{cite IETF | title = Domain names - concepts and facilities | rfc = 1034 | sectionname = Name space specifications and terminology | section = 3.1 | author = P. Mockapetris | authorlink = Paul Mockapetris | year = 1987 | month = November | publisher = [[Internet Engineering Task Force|IETF]] | accessdate = August 3, 2008 | quote = A domain is a subdomain of another domain if it is contained within that domain. This relationship can be tested by seeing if the subdomain's name ends with the containing domain's name. For example, A.B.C.D is a subdomain of B.C.D, C.D, D, and ' '. }}
    P. Mockapetris (November 1987). "Name space specifications and terminology". Domain names - concepts and facilities. IETF. sec. 3.1. RFC 1034. http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1034#section-3.1. Retrieved August 3, 2008. "A domain is a subdomain of another domain if it is contained within that domain. This relationship can be tested by seeing if the subdomain's name ends with the containing domain's name. For example, A.B.C.D is a subdomain of B.C.D, C.D, D, and ' '." 


Note the extra full-stop when the last author ends with an initial, and there is no date:

  • Invisible, M.. Mysterious document. 

We don't know of a practical solution to this — unless there is a way to test the characters of a field?

Citation styles

Established citation styles for coauthors:

  • MLA style: Last, First and First Last. "If there are more than three authors, you may list only the first author followed by the phrase et al."
  • APA style: Last, F. & Last, F.
  • Chicago Manual of Style: Last, First, and First Last.
  • Turabian: same as Chicago Reference List, above.
  • Harvard: Last, F., Last, F. & Last, F.


This template produces COinS metadata; see COinS in Wikipedia for background information.

Related pages

Technical notes


{{Cite IETF}} uses the following subtemplates:

URL generation

HTML versions of the IETF documents are created with the Rfcmarkup tool from Henrik Levkowetz.[10][11]

Request for Comments (RFC), Best Current Practice (BCP), and Internet Draft (I-D) documents which have been processed by the Rfcmarkup tool are cached by tools.ietf.org/html/[12][13] and are linked via:

http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc<document number>
http://tools.ietf.org/html/bcp<document number>
http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-<draft name>

Internet Standard (STD) and For Your Information (FYI) documents are linked via the Rfcmarkup tool using the doc= parameter:

http://tools.ietf.org/rfcmarkup?doc=std<document number>
http://tools.ietf.org/rfcmarkup?doc=fyi<document number>

Internet Experiment Note (IEN) and RARE Technical Reports (RTR) documents are linked via the Rfcmarkup tool using the url= parameter and a path to the document:

http://tools.ietf.org/rfcmarkup?url=ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/ien/ien<document number>.txt
http://tools.ietf.org/rfcmarkup?url=ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/museum/RAREreports/rtr<document number>.txt

URL anchor generation

Anchors are generated for the URL using four parameters:

|section=number generates #section-<number>
|appendix=number generates #appendix-<number>
|referenceid=id generates #ref-<id>
|page=number generates #page-<number>

The template will give priority to the first of the parameters: |section=, |appendix=, |referenceid=, or |page= in this order and create an anchor using the first matching parameter.


  1. Hoffman, Paul; Harris, Susan (September 2006). The Tao of IETF: A Novice's Guide to the Internet Engineering Task Force. IETF. FYI 17. RFC 4677. http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4677. Retrieved 2009-11-02. 
  2. Kessler, Gary C.; Shepard, Steven D. (December 1994). "Internet Documentation". A Primer On Internet and TCP/IP Tools. IETF. sec. 4. RFC 1739. http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1739#section-4. Retrieved 2009-11-02. 
  3. "Request for Comments (RFCs)". pp. 36– 38. sec. 4.1. RFC 1739. http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1739#section-4.1. 
  4. Bradner, Scott O. (October 1996). The Internet Standards Process -- Revision 3. IETF. BCP 9. RFC 2026. http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2026. Retrieved 2009-11-02. 
  5. "Internet Standards". pp. 38– 39. sec. 4.2. RFC 1739. http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1739#section-4.2. 
  6. Postel, Jon; Rekhter, Yakov; Li, Tony (August 1995). Best Current Practices. IETF. BCP 1. RFC 1818. http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1818. Retrieved 2009-11-02. 
  7. Malkin, Gary Scott; Reynolds, Joyce K. (March 1990). F.Y.I. on F.Y.I.: Introduction to the F.Y.I. Notes. IETF. FYI 1. RFC 1150. http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1150. Retrieved 2009-11-02. 
  8. "For Your Information Documents". p. 39. sec. 4.3. RFC 1739. http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1739#section-4.3. 
  9. "RARE Technical Reports". p. 40. sec. 4.4. RFC 1739. http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1739#section-4.4. 
  10. Levkowetz, Henrik (2009-10-16). "Rfcmarkup Tool". IETF. Retrieved 2009-11-02.
  11. Levkowetz, Henrik (2009-10-16). "rfcmarkup-1.85.tgz (25 KB)". IETF. Retrieved 2009-11-02.
  12. "IETF Documents". IETF. Retrieved 2009-11-02.
  13. "HTTP 404 handler for a directory of htmlized documents". IETF. 2009-10-14. Retrieved 2009-11-02.

Further reading