Tyrian purple
This box shows the color Tyrian purple. |
Color codes
- In hex: #66023C
- HSV: (325°, 98%, 40%)
- RGB: (102, 2, 60)
Other names
Other names the color tyrian purple is known:
- Very deep red
- Phoenician red
- Phoenician purple
- Royal purple
- Imperial purple
- Imperial dye
Tyrian Purple Media
A twentieth-century depiction of a Roman triumph celebrated by Julius Caesar. Caesar, riding in the chariot, wears the solid Tyrian purple toga picta. In the foreground, two Roman magistrates are identified by their toga praetexta, white with a stripe of Tyrian purple.
Two shells of Bolinus brandaris, the spiny dye-murex, a source of the dye
Byzantine Emperor Justinian I clad in Tyrian purple, 6th-century mosaic at Basilica of San Vitale, Ravenna, Italy
A Phoenician coin depicting the legend of the dog biting the sea snail
Cuneiform tablet, dated 600–500 BC, with instructions for dyeing wool purple and blue. Ref.Template:British-Museum-db.