Virtue (Latin virtus; Greek ἀρετή) is a kind of behaviour which is thought to be good. The adjective is "virtuous". Someone who lives a virtuous life is someone who leads a good moral life, doing things that society thinks are good. The opposite of virtue is vice.
Philosophers throughout the ages have written their ideas about what they think virtue is. The Ancient Greek philosophers from Plato onwards said that virtue consisted of four things: Justice, Courage, Wisdom, and Moderation. In the Christian religion the three virtues were Faith, Hope and Charity. These are mentioned in the Bible in the First Epistle to the Corinthians chapter 13 verse 13. These virtues are also very important in the Judaic and Muslim traditions.
Virtue Media
Cardinal and Theological Virtues by Raphael, 1511
Maat, to ancient Egyptians, personified the virtue of truth and justice. Her feather represents truth.
Personification of virtue (Ἀρετή) in Celsus Library in Ephesos, Turkey
Valluvar (Statue at SOAS, University of London).
Virtues fighting vices, stained glass window (14th century) in the Niederhaslach Church
Parshwanatha, the torch bearer of ahimsa.
Virtue, spear in hand, with her foot on the prostrate form of Tyranny on the Great Seal of Virginia