COVID-19 pandemic in Lithuania

The COVID-19 pandemic was confirmed to have reached Lithuania in February 2020.

COVID-19 pandemic in Lithuania
COVID-19 Outbreak Cases in Lithuania.svg
Number of confirmed COVID-19 cases by municipality (as of 11 May):

     500-999 confirmed cases      100-499 confirmed cases      10–99 confirmed cases

     1–9 confirmed cases
COVID-19 Outbreak Deaths in Lithuania.svg
Confirmed COVID-19 deaths by municipality (as of 13 May):      Confirmed deaths
Index caseŠiauliai
Arrival date28 February 2020
(5 years, 2 weeks and 4 days)
Confirmed cases1,547
Active cases494
Severe cases26
Hospitalized cases83
Critical cases9
Ventilator cases4
Government website
Government of the Republic of Lithuania
Lietuvos Respublikos sveikatos apsaugos ministerija (in Lithuanian)

On 18 March 2020, the first domestic case was confirmed, the first infected being an immediate family member of a known case.[1] The first cases of community spread were found in the country on 19 March and the first related death happened on 20 March 2020.[2]

The Lithuanian government initially declared quarantine from 16 March to 30 March, but it was extended many times[3] and was set to end on 31 May.[4]

COVID-19 Pandemic In Lithuania Media


  1. "Lietuvoje patvirtintas pirmasis neįvežtinis koronaviruso atvejis: užsikrėtė šeimos narys". (in lietuvių). 18 March 2020. Retrieved 18 March 2020.
  2. "Lietuvoje mirė pirmasis koronavirusu užsikrėtęs žmogus". (in lietuvių). 20 March 2020. Archived from the original on 21 March 2020. Retrieved 28 March 2020.
  3. "Lithuania moves ahead with quarantine easing: all shops, outdoor bars to reopen". (in lietuvių). 22 April 2020. Retrieved 22 April 2020.
  4. "Lithuania proceeds with quarantine easing: small events, more services to resume". (in lietuvių). 6 May 2020. Retrieved 6 May 2020.