Gao (surname)

Gao is a Chinese family name that can be literally translated as "high" or "tall". There are about 16 million living people with this surname. Some places, such as Taiwan, usually romanize this family name into Kao. In Hong Kong, it is romanized to Ko. In Macau, it is romanized to Kou.

Family Name

Stroke order of the Gao surname
Meaninghigh, tall
Language of originChinese, Vietnamese, Korean
PopularityBehind the Name 
Wikipedia articlesAll pages beginning with Gao

Romanization and pronunciation

Dialect or Format Transliteration or Pronunciation
Mandarin Gāo (Hanyu pinyin); Kao1 (Wade-Giles)
Cantonese Gou1 (Jyutping)
Minnan Ko (Peh-oe-ji)
Vietnamese Cao
Korean Ko(McCune–Reischauer)