General Atomics MQ-1 Predator
The General Atomics MQ-1 Predator is an American unmanned aerial vehicle. It is used by the US Air Force and the CIA for reconnaissance and as light attack aircraft. It is a single-engine aircraft. It was used in Afghanistan and Iraq. Its main weapon is the AGM-114 Hellfire light missile.
Italy, Morocco, and UAE are foreign operators.
General Atomics MQ-1 Predator Media
At Paris Air Show 2007
A shot down RQ-1 Predator in the Museum of Aviation in Belgrade, Serbia
An MQ-1B Predator from the 361st Expeditionary Reconnaissance Squadron takes off 9 July 2008 from Ali Base, Iraq.
Three contract maintainers walk an RQ-1 into a shelter at Balad Air Base, Iraq in 2006.