Hafnium is a chemical element. It has the chemical symbol Hf. It has the atomic number 72. It is a metal. It is silver gray. In chemistry it is placed in a group of metal elements named the transition metals. The chemistry of hafnium is similar to zirconium.
Hafnium is found in zirconium minerals.
Hafnium is used in tungsten alloys in filaments and electrodes. It is also used as a neutron absorber in control rods in nuclear power plants.
Hafnium Media
Zircon crystal (2×2 cm) from Tocantins, Brazil
Melted tip of a hafnium consumable electrode used in an electron beam remelting furnace, a 1 cm cube, and an oxidized hafnium electron beam-remelted ingot (left to right)
Hafnium oxidized ingots which exhibit thin-film optical effects
Photographic recording of the characteristic X-ray emission lines of some elements
Hafnium-containing rocket nozzle of the Apollo Lunar Module in the lower right corner