List of geological features on Miranda

This is a list of named geological things on Miranda.


Craters on Miranda are named after characters in Shakespeare's play The Tempest.

Crater Named after
Alonso Alonso, King of Naples
Ferdinand Ferdinand, Alonso's son
Francisco Francisco, a lord of Naples
Gonzalo Gonzalo, A lord of Naples
Prospero Prospero, the magician
Stephano Stephano, the drunken butler
Trinculo Trinculo, the jester


Coronae on Miranda are named after the places where plays by Shakespeare happen.

Corona Named after
Arden Corona Forest of Arden (As You Like It)
Elsinore Corona Elsinore (Hamlet)
Inverness Corona Inverness (Macbeth)


Scarps on Miranda are called rupes. They are named after the places where plays by Shakespeare happen.

Rupes Named after
Argier Rupes Algiers (The Tempest)
Verona Rupes Verona (Romeo and Juliet)


sulci on Miranda are named after the places where plays by Shakespeare happen.

Sulcus Named after
Naples Sulcus Naples (The Tempest)
Syracusa Sulcus Syracuse (The Comedy of Errors)

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