Monsters Resurrected
Monsters Resurrected is an American entertain series that was created for the Discovery Channel. This program reconstructs animals from the Cenozoic and Mesozoic eras. It's also called as Mega Beasts.
Terror Bird
The famous terror bird Titanis was depicted as a mortal predator that competed with the smaller but equally aggressive Canis edwardii and Smilodon gracilis. The force and power of the neck muscles is shown by a rendering of the beast hunting a Hipparion in the beginning of the episode. To kill her, it drives its beak into the vertebral column, severing the spinal cord. Another example of this power is shown when the creature kills a Megalonyx, using the same method.
T-Rex of the Deep
In this episode, the Tylosaurus is depicted as the main predator of the Cretaceous seas, competing with Cretoxyrhina and Styxosaurus, eventually driving the former to extinction. It's also shown competing with other Tylosaurus and killing them.
Biggest Killer Dino
Spinosaurus is depicted as the apex predator of its time, slaughtering Rugops, Carcharodontosaurus and Sarcosuchus. It fights with a mother Carcharodontosaurus and emerges victorious by smacking her face with a swipe of its claw. The beast gets attacked by a Sarcosuchus, and quickly kills the crocodile with a bite to the neck before disemboweling her. During the heat, the theropod attempts to steal a dead Aegyptosaurus from a pack of female Rugops, but their numbers are unstoppable; one of the creatures bites the spinosaur's claw, while another one clamps her jaws on its massive tail. Afterwards, the Spinosaurus slams to the ground, breaking its neutral spine and dying. The pack feasts on it.
Great American Predator
In this episode, Acrocanthosaurus is depicted as an apex predator, strong enough to kill prey ten times its size, such as Paluxysaurus. Afterward, a young acrocanthosaur is shown being driven off its meal by a pack of Deinonychus and being forced to hunt harder prey, such as a female Sauropelta.
Bear Dog
This episode features Amphicyon as the new top predator of North America, able to defeat Daeodon using its intelligence and smaller size to outcompete it.
Giant Ripper
In this episode, the people recreate the Megalania.