Punjab region

Punjab is a region in northern South Asia. It is divided by the Radcliffe Line: The western part is in the eastern part of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan; the eastern part is in the northwestern part of the Republic of India. It is in a plain, with the River Indus flowing through the western part. The soil is very fertile. It lives from agriculture. Main religions in the region are Islam, Sikhism and Hinduism.
Punjab Region Media
Taxila in Pakistan is a World Heritage Site.
One of the first known kings of ancient Punjab, King Porus, fought against Alexander the Great. His surrender is depicted in this 1865 engraving by Alonzo Chappel.
Silver copper coin of Khizr Khan, founder of the Sayyid dynasty
Illustration of Ranjit Singh, founder of the Sikh Empire
The dominant mother tongue in each District of Pakistan, according to the 2017 Pakistan Census
Rig Veda, the oldest known Hindu text, originated in the Punjab region.