
A baker is somebody who makes mainly bread. Some bakers also make cakes and desserts, but a traditional baker only makes bread. The place where a baker works is called a bakehouse or a bakery.
The first bread was made by the Egyptians in 8000 BC and in the Middle Ages most landlords had a bakery. They had a public oven and housewives brought the dough to the baker to cook.
Bread is now much sweeter than it was in the Middle Ages because a lot of corn syrup or honey is used.
Baker Media
The Baker (c. 1681); oil-on-canvas painting by Job Adriaensz Berckheyde (1630–1693) now held by the Worcester Art Museum.
Bread of Eucharist in the Churches of the East (Prosphorus). Unlike Catholic hosts, this is leavened bread.
A rolling pin is used to work dough.
Bakery in Riyadh with traditional Afghan Bread (Tamees)