Broken/wikipedia:Very good articles/American Airlines Flight 11
American Airlines Flight 11 was the first hijacked airplane of the September 11, 2001 attacks. It crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center. The American Airlines airplane was a Boeing 767. It was scheduled to fly from Logan International Airport in Boston to Los Angeles International Airport. Fifteen minutes after takeoff, the hijackers forced their way into the cockpit. One of the hijackers was a trained pilot. He took the controls of the aircraft and flew it into the North Tower.
92 people died in the crash—five hijackers, 76 other passengers, and 11 crew members. The time of the crash was 08:46 Eastern Daylight Time. Many people in the street saw the crash. It was also recorded on film by French moviemakers. The crash, and the fire that started right after the crash, made the North Tower collapse. The attack both killed and injured thousands of people.
The American Airlines Flight 11 aircraft was a Boeing 767. Even though it could carry 158 passengers, the September 11 flight carried only 81 passengers and 11 crew members.