The cave was thought to be the seat of the Cumean Sybyl.
Cumae was a Greek settlement in Italy. It was settled in 740 BC, and is the first Greek colony on the Italian mainland.[1] The same group had founded Pithekoussai, on the island of Ischia, in 770 BC. Later they founded other cities, namely Dikaiarcheia (modern-day Pozzuoli, and Neapolis (Naples).
Cumae Media
The Temple of Zeus at Cumae was converted into a paleochristian basilica. The baptismal font can still be seen in the back of the building.
- β Titus Livius 8, 22, 5β6: Cumani Chalcide Euboica originem trahunt. Classe, qua advecti ab domo fuerant, multum in ora maris eius quod accolunt potuere, primo <in> insulas Aenariam et Pithecusas egressi, deinde in continentem ausi sedes transfere. βThe Cumaeans came from Chalkis, on Euboa. Because of their fleet, with which they came from home, they had a lot of influence alonf the coast of the sea, on which they lived. First they went to the islands of Ainaria and Pithekoussai,later they dared move their home to the mainland."