Japanese annexation of Korea

The Japanese annexation of Korea happened in 1910. The Empire of Japan annexed (made part of its territory) the Korean Empire.[1] In Japanese it is also called 日韓併合朝鮮併合日韓合邦 which translate as annexation of Korea, annexation of Joseon (an old name of Korea), and unification of Japan and Korea.[2]

Then Japanese ruled Korea until 1945, after the Potsdam Conference at the end of World War II.

Japanese Annexation Of Korea Media


  1. 今日の大韓民国朝鮮民主主義人民共和国に相当する地域。旧韓国朝鮮国李氏朝鮮)領域。間島については一部に領有権について主張がある。
  2. 『日韓合邦秘史』 黒竜会出版部