Rock Island is a city in Illinois in the United States. It is part of the Quad Cities of northwest Illinois and southeastern Iowa. It is named for an island, now called "Arsenal Island" and one of the world's largest arsenals.
Rock Island, Illinois Media
An 1820 map of the island of Rock Island. The Arsenal was not established yet, and Fort Armstrong was a mere 4 years old. Iowa is on the left, Illinois on the right with Fort Armstrong on the lower tip of the island.
Rock Island
Harper House, a historic hotel in Rock Island, IL.
The Rock Island Line shipped goods from west of the Mississippi, across the bridge at Rock Island, east to Chicago. This map shows the railroad's extent in 1965.
The Quad City Hindu Temple
From the University of Maryland Digital Collections: "A postcard featuring a photograph of May Day Celebrations in Long View Park, Rock Island, Illinois, circa 1907-1914."