Rotunda (architecture)

A rotunda (from Latin rotundus) is any building with a circular plan, and sometimes covered by a dome. It may also refer to a round room within a building. A famous example is the one below the dome of the United States Capitol in Washington, D.C..
Further readings
- Vera, Gervers-Molnár (1972): A középkori Magyarország rotundái. (Rotunda in the Medieval Hungary). Akadémiai, Budapest
- József, Csemegi (1949): A tarnaszentmáriai templom hajójának stíluskritikai vizsgálata. (Studies on the Nave of the Church at Tarnaszentmária.) in: Antiquitas Hungarica III (1949), 92-107.
Rotunda (architecture) Media
Temple of Hercules Victor, in the Forum Boarium in Rome
The Tempietto at San Pietro in Montorio, Rome by Donato Bramante c. 1502
Rotunda of St. George in Skalica, Slovakia from 11th century
Beehive, Wellington, New Zealand
Interior of the rotunda at New York City's Steinway Hall with an Art Case Piano by artist Mia LaBerge in the foreground
The Rotunda office and Residential building in Birmingham, England is an example of modern rotunda buildings
The St. George Rotunda (4th century) and some remains of Serdica can be seen in the foreground.
Interior of a rotunda at the Cherokee County Courthouse in North Carolina
Remains of a circular Chaitya, Tulja Caves