Brave (2012 movie)
Brave is a 2012 American computer-animated fantasy-adventure movie which stars Billy Connolly and Emma Thompson. The movie was released on June 22, 2012, by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures and distributed by Walt Disney Pictures. Pixar was the studio that worked on this movie. It received positive responses from critics and won an Oscar.
The movie is set in Scotland during the Medieval period. 16-year-old Princess Merida causes chaos in the kingdom of DunBroch by not wanting to marry.
It took six years to make.
The main character of the film is Princess Merida, the daughter of the Scottish King Fergus and Queen Elinor. Merida, as a real princess, should set an example for everyone in everything. Her life is scheduled by the minute: Elinor watches her every move, and there is rarely a day when Merida is left to herself and can do what she likes - ride, shoot a bow and climb sheer cliffs. Merida's father is a brave king who once fought a giant bear named Mordu and lost his leg. Although Fergus sees nothing wrong with his daughter's hobbies, he does not dare to contradict his wife.
According to tradition, on the day of the princess's majority, the sons of the leaders of the three main clans must compete for her hand. The princess does not like any of them, and besides, she does not want to get married. But Elinor does not want to listen to his daughter and fears that if she is not married, a war may begin. Having quarrelled with her mother, Merida fled to the forest, where she noticed the home of a witch who worked under the cover of a woodcarver. In exchange for her locket, Merida demanded that she somehow bewitch Elinor in order to change her fate.
The witch agreed to witchcraft only when she heard that Merida would take all the wooden crafts. Returning home, the princess treated Elinor to a cake received from the witch, and the queen turned into a bear. Wanting to break the spell, Merida went with her mother back to the witch's house and learned that the only way to remove sorcery was to calm her pride and repair the tapestry cut with a sword during a quarrel with her mother before dawn. Merida and the bear Elinor learned of a prince who, because of his pride, had turned into the bear Morda (the same one that caused Fergus to lose his leg), and his kingdom had fallen due to the outbreak of wars.
Elinor and his daughter return to the castle for the tapestry, but Merida's father, Fergus, locks his daughter in a room, and he and his warriors chase the bear Elinor in the forest, not realizing that it is his wife. With the help of her brothers, who have turned into bear cubs after eating an enchanted cake, Merida gets out of the castle and sews up the linen on the way to the forest. Elinor kills Morda while protecting Merida. The latter manages to cover the bear with a tapestry and removes the spell from her mother and brothers. Elinor cancels the wedding, and peace and harmony reign between the queen and princess.
After the credits, the action is moved forward two weeks - it is time for the witch to deliver all the wooden crafts to the palace of Meride. The sleepy guard sees a cart filled with wooden toys and a witch's crow offering him to sign.
- Merida - A 16-year-old princess.