Bulgarian Orthodox Church of Hungary

The Bulgarian Orthodox Church of Hungary (bulgarian: Българска православна църква в Унгария, hungarian: Magyarországi Bolgár Ortodox Egyház) is an Orthodox Christian denomination in Hungary.

Bulgarian Orthodox Church of Hungary
Magyarországi Bolgár Ortodox Egyház
OrientationBulgarian Orthodoxy
ScriptureSeptuagint, New Testament
TheologyEastern Orthodox theology
PriestStefan Mamakov
LiturgyByzantine Rite
Members6 000
Other name(s)Българска православна църква в Унгария


In the 19th century, Budapest, especially its southern district Ferencváros, became one of the main centers for immigrants coming from Bulgaria. In 1916, the Bulgarians established a chapel in a residential building. However, it proved to be too small, so they began fundraising. By 1931, the Saint Cyril and Methodius Bulgarian Orthodox Church was completed.

St. Cyril and Methodius Bulgarian Orthodox Church in Budapest

The church represents a unique architectural value, as it is not only the only Byzantine-style building in Budapest but also the westernmost church of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church.

The Bulgarian Orthodox Church of Hungary belongs to the Bulgarian Orthodox Church. The church has two parishes, one in Budapest and another in Pécs.