Southeastern Conference

University of South Carolina playing football against Louisiana State University
Southeastern Conference


 // ATTENTION: This code is maintained at
 //            Please do not modify it anywhere else, as it may get copied and override your changes.
 //            Suggestions can be made at
 // Template translation is in
 "version": 2, "width":, "height": , "padding": 0,
   // These signals allow us to quickly move the map within the image, e.g. to leave space for the legend

{"name":"legendWidth", "init": {"expr": "0"} },

   {"name":"legendHeight", "init": {"expr": "height"} },
   {"name":"imgWidth", "init": {"expr": "width-legendWidth"} },
   {"name":"imgHeight", "init": {"expr": "height"} },
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   {"name":"imgLat", "init": {"expr": "33.5547"} },
   {"name":"imgLon", "init": {"expr": "-89.0885"} },
   {"name":"imgZoom", "init": {"expr": ""} },
   {"name":"picWidth", "init": {"expr": "180"} },
   {"name":"picHeight", "init": {"expr": "picWidth/2"} },
   {"name":"picXC", "init": {"expr": "imgWidth-(picWidth/2)"} },
   {"name":"picYC", "init": {"expr": "imgHeight-(picHeight/2)"} },
   {"name":"showMiniMap", "init": {"expr": "0"} }
 "data": [
     "name": "data",

// Otherwise use the first unnamed argument for source values

     "values": [  { "lat": 33.5547, 
    "lon": -89.0885, 
    "img": "wikirawupload:", 
    "width": 50, 
    "height": 8, 
    "offsetX": Expression error: Unexpected / operator., 
    "offsetY": Expression error: Unexpected / operator., 
    "textAlign": "right", 
    "textDx": 22, 
    "textDy": -2, 
    "textColor": "grey", 
    "textFont": "Tahoma", 
    "textFontSize": 9, 
    "text":  "10 000km" }

, { "lat": 29.6436, "lon": -82.3549, Expression error: Unexpected = operator. "text": "Florida", "textAlign": "right", "textBaseline": "middle", "textDx": 0, "textDy": 1, "textFontSize": , "textColor": "#000000"


, { "lat": 33.9480, "lon": -83.3773, Expression error: Unexpected = operator. "text": "Georgia", "textAlign": "right", "textBaseline": "middle", "textDx": 0, "textDy": 1, "textFontSize": , "textColor": "#000000"

} , { "lat": 38.0307, "lon": -84.5040, Expression error: Unexpected = operator. "text": "Kentucky", "textAlign": "right", "textBaseline": "middle", "textDx": 0, "textDy": 1, "textFontSize": , "textColor": "#000000"

} , { "lat": 38.9404, "lon": -92.3277, Expression error: Unexpected = operator. "text": "Missouri", "textAlign": "right", "textBaseline": "middle", "textDx": 0, "textDy": 1, "textFontSize": , "textColor": "#000000"

} , { "lat": 33.9938, "lon": -81.0299, Expression error: Unexpected = operator. "text": "South Carolina", "textAlign": "right", "textBaseline": "middle", "textDx": 0, "textDy": 1, "textFontSize": , "textColor": "#000000"

} , { "lat": 35.9544, "lon": -83.9295, Expression error: Unexpected = operator. "text": "Tennessee", "textAlign": "right", "textBaseline": "middle", "textDx": 0, "textDy": 1, "textFontSize": , "textColor": "#000000"

} , { "lat": 36.1447, "lon": -86.8027, Expression error: Unexpected = operator. "text": "Vanderbilt", "textAlign": "right", "textBaseline": "middle", "textDx": 0, "textDy": 1, "textFontSize": , "textColor": "#000000"

} , { "lat": 33.2140, "lon": -87.5391, Expression error: Unexpected = operator. "text": "Alabama", "textAlign": "right", "textBaseline": "middle", "textDx": 0, "textDy": 1, "textFontSize": , "textColor": "#000000"

} , { "lat": 36.0687, "lon": -94.1748, Expression error: Unexpected = operator. "text": "Arkansas", "textAlign": "right", "textBaseline": "middle", "textDx": 0, "textDy": 1, "textFontSize": , "textColor": "#000000"

} , { "lat": 32.5934, "lon": -85.4952, Expression error: Unexpected = operator. "text": "Auburn", "textAlign": "right", "textBaseline": "middle", "textDx": 0, "textDy": 1, "textFontSize": , "textColor": "#000000"

} , { "lat": 30.4133, "lon": -91.1800, Expression error: Unexpected = operator. "text": "LSU", "textAlign": "right", "textBaseline": "middle", "textDx": 0, "textDy": 1, "textFontSize": , "textColor": "#000000"

} , { "lat": 34.3647, "lon": -89.5384, Expression error: Unexpected = operator. "text": "Ole Miss", "textAlign": "right", "textBaseline": "middle", "textDx": 0, "textDy": 1, "textFontSize": , "textColor": "#000000"

} , { "lat": 33.2723, "lon": -88.4737, Expression error: Unexpected = operator. "text": "Miss State", "textAlign": "right", "textBaseline": "middle", "textDx": 0, "textDy": 1, "textFontSize": , "textColor": "#000000"

} , { "lat": 30.6188, "lon": -96.3365, Expression error: Unexpected = operator. "text": "Texas A&M", "textAlign": "right", "textBaseline": "middle", "textDx": 0, "textDy": 1, "textFontSize": , "textColor": "#000000"

} , { "lat": 35.2059, "lon": -97.4457, Expression error: Unexpected = operator. "text": "Oklahoma", "textAlign": "right", "textBaseline": "middle", "textDx": 0, "textDy": 1, "textFontSize": , "textColor": "#000000"

} , { "lat": 30.2849, "lon": -97.7341, Expression error: Unexpected = operator. "text": "Texas", "textAlign": "right", "textBaseline": "middle", "textDx": 0, "textDy": 1, "textFontSize": , "textColor": "#000000"


     "transform": [
         "type": "geo",
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         "center": [{"expr": "imgLon"}, {"expr": "imgLat"}],
         "lon": "lon", "lat": "lat"
       { "type": "formula", "field":"layout_x", "expr": "datum.layout_x + (datum.offsetX || 0)" },
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       { "type": "formula", "field":"color", "expr": "datum.color || '#c33'" },
       { "type": "formula", "field":"textColor", "expr": "datum.textColor || datum.color" },
       { "type": "formula", "field":"strokeColor", "expr": "datum.strokeColor || '#ffe7e6'" }
     // Hack: single value data source for drawing/hiding images and other non-series elements
     "name": "dummyData",
     "values": [{}]

// Legend only works if showLegend and colorScaleField are set

 "marks": [
     "type": "image",
     "from": {
       "data": "dummyData",
       "transform": [
         { "type": "formula", "field":"url", "expr": "'mapsnapshot:///?width='+imgWidth+'&height='+imgHeight+'&zoom='+imgZoom+'&lat='+imgLat+'&lon='+imgLon" }
     "properties": {
       "enter": {
         "url": {"field": "url"},
         "xc": {"signal": "imgXC"}, "yc": {"signal": "imgYC"},
         "width": {"signal": "imgWidth"}, "height": {"signal": "imgHeight"}
     // Places an image of a given name and size at the [lan,lon] location
     "type": "image",
     "from": {
       "data": "data",
       "transform": [
         { "type": "filter", "test": "datum.img" },
         { "type": "formula", "field":"iconWidth", "expr": "datum.width || 0" },
         { "type": "formula", "field":"iconHeight", "expr": "datum.height || 0" },
         { "type": "formula", "field":"img",
           "expr": "if(!test(/^[a-z]+:\\/\\//, datum.img), 'wikifile:///'+datum.img, datum.img)" },
         // Ensure that either width or height parameter is passed to wikifile:// request
         { "type": "formula", "field":"img",
           "expr": "if((datum.iconWidth || datum.iconHeight) && !test(/[?&](width|height)=\\d/, datum.img),if(datum.iconWidth,datum.img+'?width='+datum.iconWidth,datum.img+'?height='+datum.iconHeight), datum.img)" }
     "properties": {
       "enter": {
         "url": {"field": "img"},
         "xc": {"field": "layout_x"}, "yc": {"field": "layout_y"},
         "width": {"field": "iconWidth"}, "height": {"field": "iconHeight"}
     // Draw marks of a given color, shape, and size at the [lan,lon] location
     "type": "symbol",
     "from": {
       "data": "data",
       "transform": [{ "type": "filter", "test": "!datum.img" }]
     "properties": {
       "enter": {
         "x": {"field": "layout_x"},
         "y": {"field": "layout_y"},
         // If colorScaleField is set, use color scaling, otherwise use the preset color value
         "fill": { "field": "color" },
         "size": {"field": "size"},
         "shape": {"field": "shape"},
         "stroke": {"field": "strokeColor"}
     // Draw text with the given color and size at the [lan,lon] location
     // See for all parameter description (prepend "text" and capitalize them)
     "type": "text",
     "from": {
       "data": "data",
       "transform": [
         { "type": "filter", "test": "datum.text" },
         // Figure out if this is an LTR or RTL page. For LTR, show label to the right of the icon, left-aligned. For RTL, reverse.
         { "type": "formula", "field":"isLTR", "expr": "'‎' == '\\u200E'" },
         // If these values are not defined ("undefined" is not allowed, so test for truthiness and not 0)
         { "type": "formula", "field":"textDx", "expr": "if(!datum.textDx && datum.textDx != 0, if(datum.isLTR,8,-8), datum.textDx)" },
         { "type": "formula", "field":"textAlign", "expr": "if(!datum.textAlign, if(datum.isLTR,'left','right'), datum.textAlign)" },
         { "type": "formula", "field":"textBaseline", "expr": "datum.textBaseline || 'middle'" }
     "properties": {
       "enter": {
         "text": {"field": "text"},
         "x": {"field": "layout_x" },
         "y": {"field": "layout_y"},
         "dx": {"field": "textDx" },
         "dy": {"field": "textDy"},
         "fill": {"field": "textColor"},
         "align": {"field": "textAlign"},
         "baseline": {"field": "textBaseline"},
         "radius": {"field": "textRadius"},
         "theta": {"field": "textTheta"},
         "angle": {"field": "textAngle"},
         "font": {"field": "textFont"},
         "fontSize": {"field": "textFontSize"},
         "fontWeight": {"field": "textFontWeight"},
         "fontStyle": {"field": "textFontStyle"}
     // Draw a low-zoom locator map frame
     "type": "rect",
     "from": {
       "data": "dummyData",
       "transform": [
         { "type": "filter", "test": "showMiniMap" }
     "properties": {
       "enter": {
         "xc": {"signal": "picXC"}, "yc": {"signal": "picYC"},
         "width": {"signal": "picWidth", "offset":2}, "height": {"signal": "picHeight"},
         "stroke": {"value":"#fff"},"strokeWidth": {"value":6}
     // Draw a low-zoom locator map by using a premade world map image
     "type": "image",
     "from": {
       "data": "dummyData",
       "transform": [
         { "type": "filter", "test": "showMiniMap" },
         { "type": "formula", "field":"url", "expr": "1" }
     "properties": {
       "enter": {
         "url": {"value": "wikirawupload:"},
         "xc": {"signal": "picXC"}, "yc": {"signal": "picYC"},
         "width": {"signal": "picWidth"}, "height": {"signal": "picHeight"}
     // Draw a zoom-out mark at the [lan,lon] location
     "type": "symbol",
     "from": {
       "data": "dummyData",
       "transform": [
         { "type": "filter", "test": "showMiniMap" },
         { "type": "formula", "field":"lat", "expr": "imgLat" },
         { "type": "formula", "field":"lon", "expr": "imgLon" },
           "type": "geo",
           "projection": "equirectangular",
           "scale": {"expr": "180/2/PI"},
           "translate": [{"expr": "picXC"}, {"expr": "picYC"}],
           "center": [{"expr": "0"}, {"expr": "0"}],
           "lon": "lon", "lat": "lat"
     "properties": {
       "enter": {
         "x": {"field": "layout_x"}, "y": {"field": "layout_y"},
         "fill": {"value": "#c33"},
         "stroke": {"value": "#ffe7e6"},
         "size": {"value": 40}

} </graph>

Location of SEC members: Blue pog.svg East Division, Yellow pog.svg West Division, Green pog.svg Future members

The Southeastern Conference (SEC) is an American college athletic conference located primarily in the South Central and Southeastern United States. The conference has 14 members. It is a part of the NCAA's Division I.

Current and Future Member Universities

Since July 1, 2012, there are 14 members, with Vanderbilt being the only private university. It will expand on July 1, 2024, making the Southeastern Conference have 16 members.

School Location Founded SEC Join Date Nickname Colors
University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, Alabama 1831 December 8-9, 1932 Alabama Crimson Tide
University of Arkansas Fayetteville, Arkansas 1871 July 1, 1991 Arkansas Razorbacks
Auburn University Auburn, Alabama 1856 December 8-9, 1932 Auburn Tigers
University of Florida Gainesville, Florida 1853 December 8-9, 1932 Florida Gators
University of Georgia Athens, Georgia 1785 December 8-9, 1932 Georgia Bulldogs
University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky 1865 December 8-9, 1932 Kentucky Wildcats
Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, Louisiana 1860 December 8-9, 1932 LSU Tigers
University of Mississippi Oxford, Mississippi 1848 December 8-9, 1932 Ole Miss Rebels
Mississippi State University Starkville, Mississippi 1878 December 8-9, 1932 Mississippi State Bulldogs
University of Missouri Columbia, Missouri 1839 July 1, 2012 Missouri Tigers
University of Oklahoma Norman, Oklahoma 1890 July 1, 2024 Oklahoma Sooners
University of South Carolina Columbia, South Carolina 1801 July 1, 1991 South Carolina Gamecocks
University of Tennessee Knoxville, Tennessee 1794 December 8-9, 1932 Tennessee Volunteers
University of Texas at Austin Austin, Texas 1883 July 1, 2024 Texas Longhorns
Texas A&M University College Station, Texas 1876 July 1, 2012 Texas A&M Aggies
Vanderbilt University Nashville, Tennessee 1873 December 8-9, 1932 Vanderbilt Commodores

Future members

On July 27, 2021, Oklahoma and Texas told the SEC they wanted to be a part of the conference. On July 29, 2021, the presidents of the current 14 schools of the SEC all voted in agreement to give an offer to Oklahoma and Texas.[1] On July 30, 2021, both future SEC schools voted to accept the invitation, and then were set to join the SEC at the start of the 2025–26 school year. Oklahoma and Texas would later reach a buyout agreement with the Big 12 that allowed them to join the SEC in July 2024.[2]

School Location Founded Future Join Date Nickname Colors Current Conference
University of Oklahoma Norman, Oklahoma 1890 2024 Oklahoma Sooners Big 12
University of Texas at Austin Austin, Texas 1883 2024 Texas Longhorns Big 12

Southeastern Conference Media


  • "Southeastern Conference". Retrieved 2021-10-30.