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Kosher (Hebrew: כשרות) is the name that Jews give to the laws about the kind of food that they may eat. Their holy books specify certain kinds of food that are all right to eat, and that other kinds should not be eaten.

The Kosher laws say that products classified as meat must not be eaten in the same meal with dairy products.[1][2][3] Fish, fruit, and vegetables are considered neutral, called pareve (pronounced "PAR-veh"), and may be eaten with either meat or dairy meals. Jews who "keep kosher" have separate utensils for meat and dairy foods, and wait a number of hours after eating one type of food before eating the other type.

The meat of some animals may not be eaten at all. Animals whose meat may be eaten must be killed in a special, careful way by a religiously trained slaughterer. Meat that is not fit to eat is called treif (pronounced TRAYf).

Basic rules of Kashrut

Types of meat and drink

Preparing food

  • The animals need to be killed in a special way.[9] The kosher slaughterer has religious training for this work.
  • An animal that dies by natural means, or is killed by another animal or a hunter, may not be eaten.[3]
  • Meat from a sick animal may not be eaten.
  • No blood may be eaten.[10][11] All blood needs to be drained from the meat (by soaking and salting it). In eggs, not even eggs with just a spot of blood can be eaten.
  • Foods made in a factory: manufacturers sometimes label products that have got certification by adding graphical symbols to the label. These symbols are known as hechsherim.
  • A kosher kitchen has separate sets of dishes: one for meat foods, another for dairy foods.
  • Food may not be cooked during the Sabbath, which in Judaism is called Shabbat.[12][13][14]

Kosher Media

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  1. "Shemot (Exodus): Chapter 23". Retrieved 2024-05-17.
  2. "Shemot (Exodus): Chapter 34". Retrieved 2024-05-17.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 "D'varim (Deuteronomy): Chapter 14". Retrieved 2024-05-17.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 "Vayikra (Leviticus): Chapter 11". Retrieved 2024-05-17.
  5. "D'varim (Deuteronomy): Chapter 14". Retrieved 2024-05-17.
  6. "Bible Gateway passage: ﺍﻟﻼﻭﻳﻲ 11:13-19 - Ketab El Hayat". Bible Gateway. Retrieved 2024-05-17.
  7. "Leviticus 11:29–30 LHB - וְזֶ֤ה לָכֶם֙ הַטָּמֵ֔א…". Biblia. Retrieved 2024-05-17.
  8. "Bible Gateway passage: ﺍﻟﻼﻭﻳﻲ 11:41-43 - Ketab El Hayat". Bible Gateway. Retrieved 2024-05-17.
  9. "D'varim (Deuteronomy): Chapter 12". Retrieved 2024-05-17.
  10. "Vayikra (Leviticus): Chapter 7". Retrieved 2024-05-17.
  11. "Vayikra (Leviticus): Chapter 17". Retrieved 2024-05-17.
  12. "Bible Gateway passage: ﺍﻟﺨﺮﻭﺝ 35:3 - Ketab El Hayat". Bible Gateway. Retrieved 2024-05-17.
  13. "Mishnah Shabbat 7:2 - Jewish Theological Seminary". Retrieved 2024-05-17.
  14. "Shabbat 73a". Retrieved 2024-05-17.