The Ant Bully
The Ant Bully is a 2006 American computer-animated adventure fantasy comedy movie written, edited and directed by Rich Moore And Eric Darnell And Executive Produced For BBC By: Mike Mitchell, Steven Spielberg, Joe Johnston, James Cameron, Kathleen Branagh And Andrew Stanton based on the 1999 children's book of the same name by John Nickle. And Original Developments Illumination Entertainment, Blue Sky Studios, Sony Pictures Animation And Blizzard Entertainment
Original Scoring By: James Newton Howard And Chris Bacon Orchestratral And Scoring Conducted By: Pete Anthony And Gavin Greenaway Recorded By: Nick Wollage And Shawn Murthy AT EMI Abbey Road And AIR Lyndhurst Hall, London UK
It features the voices of Zach Tyler Eisen, Julia Roberts, Nicolas Cage, Meryl Streep and Paul Giamatti, was produced by Tom Hanks and Gary Goetzman's Playtone, John A. Davis and Keith Alcorn's DNA Productions, and was released in theatres on July 28, 2006, by Warner Bros. and Legendary Pictures. Concurrently with the general release, it was offered in big screen IMAX 3D, the format, also used with Blended.
Release Dates
Country | Premiere |
Canada | 28 July 2006 |
United States | 28 July 2006 |
Philippines | 2 August 2006 |
Chile | 3 August 2006 |
United Kingdom | 4 August 2006 |
Ireland | 4 August 2006 |
Switzerland | 9 August 2006 (French speaking region) |
France | 9 August 2006 |
Singapore | 9 August 2006 |
10 August 2006 | |
Mexico | 11 August 2006 |
Panama | 11 August 2006 |
Taiwan | 11 August 2006 |
Uruguay | 12 August 2006 |
Argentina | 17 August 2006 |
Malaysia | 17 August 2006 |
Portugal | 17 August 2006 |
Venezuela | 18 August 2006 |
24 August 2006 | |
Greece | 31 August 2006 |
Iceland | 1 September 2006 |
Brazil | 7 September 2006 |
Spain | 8 September 2006 |
Turkey | 8 September 2006 |
Hungary | 21 September 2006 |
New Zealand | 21 September 2006 |
Bulgaria | 22 September 2006 |
Switzerland | 22 September 2006 (Italian speaking region) |
Italy | 22 September 2006 |
Poland | 22 September 2006 |
Netherlands | 27 September 2006 |
Australia | 28 September 2006 |
Czech Republic | 28 September 2006 |
South Korea | 28 September 2006 |
Serbia | 28 September 2006 |
Slovenia | 28 September 2006 |
Slovakia | 28 September 2006 |
29 September 2006 | |
Lithuania | 29 September 2006 |
Norway | 29 September 2006 |
Romania | 30 September 2006 |
Russia | 5 October 2006 |
Ukraine | 5 October 2006 |
Finland | 6 October 2006 |
Sweden | 6 October 2006 |
Japan | 7 October 2006 |
Switzerland | 12 October 2006 (German speaking region) |
Germany | 12 October 2006 |
Austria | 13 October 2006 |
Denmark | 13 October 2006 |
Belgium | 18 October 2006 |
India | 20 October 2006 |
Kazakhstan | 27 October 2006 |
Kuwait | 8 November 2006 |
Egypt | 22 November 2006 |
Bahrain | 11 April 2007 |